Category: Diets
Si të përgatisni në shtëpi lëngjet më të mira për pastrimin e trupit
Pastrimi i trupit përmes lëngjeve është një mënyrë efikase për të larguar toksinat nga sistemi ynë, duke përmirësuar funksionimin e organeve dhe duke ndihmuar në…
A janë të dëmshme pijet energjike? Çfarë ndodh në trupin tonë pasi konsumojmë pije energjike?
I ftuar në emisionin e mëngjesit “Rreze Dielli” në Report TV, me moderatore Androniki Kolka, ishte nutricionisti nga Suedia Altin Joka, i cili foli për…
Njihet si fruti mrekullibërës, këto janë sëmundjet që kuron
Aronia siberiane (Aronia melanocarpa), e njohur edhe si boronica siberiane. Duke shtrydhur këto manaferra, përftohet lëng aronia, një lëng natyral tepër i shëndetshëm dhe efektiv….
Why you should consume as much lemon water as possible
As temperatures rise, water consumption to avoid dehydration becomes even more important. And if you want your glass of water to have a lot of…
Cucumber diet / What you should know about its values?
If you think you’ve heard it all about diets, we reveal the cucumber diet trend. This way to lose weight quickly involves consuming a large…
HEALTH 30 Day Black Pepper and Milk Thyroid Cure”
Disorders of the thyroid gland are related to the improper balance of metabolic processes in our body. These problems affect either the structure of the…
The five healthiest diets
For the fifth year in a row, the Mediterranean diet ranked first on the list of best diets, according to U.S. News & World Report….
The diet with reduced sugar is considered to be better for the body as it can lower the fat index in the blood. This is…
Finding ways to lose weight is something people have been doing for decades. A new diet that has just come out is the egg diet….
Quick natural cures for kidney stones, foods to avoid
Kidney stones are made up of either mineral salts or other acidic salts. Stones form for a variety of reasons, including: poor nutrition, synthetic calcium…