9 Healthy Foods You Can Eat After 8 PM

We’ve all experienced that late night hunger pang.

Unfortunately, eating late is often associated with weight gain due to calorie intake, so it doesn’t seem like the best choice you can make.

But then falling asleep on an empty stomach is torture in itself, so why not have a snack?

There are some healthy foods that are perfectly safe to eat late at night that will not only fill you up, but also provide you with several health benefits. AgroWeb.org introduces you to them below.


Full of fiber, a bowl of oatmeal will keep you full for the night without loading you up on carbs or sugar. You can even add fruits and nuts to give your body vitamins, minerals and protein.

Boiled egg

A hard-boiled egg only takes a little time to prepare, making it an easy and quick choice. This way you will fill your body with proteins and healthy fats, and you will keep hunger away.

Avocado toast

Avocados are an ideal choice when it comes to healthy foods, as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber.

Eating an avocado before bed will give your body everything it needs for a good night’s sleep and get you ready for the next day.


Making popcorn at home allows you to remove many of the elements that are considered unhealthy, such as oil, salt or butter.

Properly prepared popcorn can supply the body with antioxidants, as well as help with digestion.

Fruits and Nuts

Throw some of your favorite fruits and nuts into a bowl for the world’s easiest meal. Fruits will give your body plenty of vitamins and minerals, while nuts will provide you with healthy fats and proteins, leaving you full enough for a good night’s sleep.


A small bowl of yogurt will be enough to ward off night hunger. Yogurt is packed with protein, probiotics and calcium. And if you want extra sweetness, try adding fresh fruit.


Cottage cheese is a very good meal before bed, as it contains protein, calcium and healthy fats. It’s a healthier alternative to cheeses and won’t fill your body with sodium or extra calories.

You can best accompany it with vegetables, as they provide many nutrients and have no carbohydrates, sugars, gluten or unhealthy fats.

Chicken bacon

Whether you choose to make a sandwich or just eat a few slices of bacon on a slice of whole grain bread, this choice will keep you full until morning.

If you want to add tomatoes, lettuce or avocado to the mix, you will give your body antioxidants, minerals and healthy fats.

A glass of milk

A glass of low-fat milk provides many nutrients including calcium. Milk is a good choice that will keep you full without consuming large amounts of food.

Is it something bad to eat at night?

Although the myth that eating before bed causes weight gain is not true in itself, frequent eating before bed can cause weight gain for two reasons:

If you’re dieting with the goal of losing weight, eating at night counts as extra calories.

Eating foods that are high in carbohydrates, sugars and salts right before bed means you’ll eat less breakfast or skip the meal altogether. Something that can lead to overconsumption later in the day. /AgroWeb.org

Author: admin

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