Known as the miracle fruit, these are the diseases it cures

Siberian chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa), also known as Siberian blueberry. By squeezing these berries, aronia juice is obtained, a very healthy and effective natural juice.

Aronia, according to many experts, is the healthiest fruit in the world and comes from North America. Today it grows all over the world – in Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Bulgaria.

It is interesting that aronia has no natural enemies, and in addition – it is resistant to all weather conditions, as well as extremely low temperatures.

They can be consumed fresh, it is enough to eat 200 to 300 grams per day. In addition, they can be frozen, dried, cooked as marmalade, juice, syrup, compote.

Research shows that chokeberry has an anti-cancer effect.

Aronia is rich in antioxidants and therefore protects healthy cells in the body and blood plasma from oxidative stress, slowing down the body’s aging process and preventing the development of chronic diseases.

It stimulates the work of the thyroid gland and is therefore recommended especially for people suffering from hyperthyroidism. In addition, aronia prevents cardiovascular diseases, lowers high blood pressure and cholesterol and stimulates the production of good cholesterol./

Author: news

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